Welcome to Larry Talks…

I struggle with going back and forth between saying this is overdue or that it’s right on time. Regardless, I will say that it finally feels like it’s time to reconnect with my first love and most cherished outlet: writing. I’ve been sitting with the idea of starting this blog for a while now, years even… but life has a way shifting priorities. Writing has always been my space to be honest, reflective, and creative. I’ve been writing since I was six years old. I even remember the day I caught a COTA bus with my sister from the south side of town to the 99-cent store, where I picked out my first journal. I didn’t know it at the time, but that little book marked the beginning of a lifelong love for putting my thoughts down on paper. Over the years, writing has evolved for me. It’s gone from a deeply personal practice to something I’ve shared in publications, from essays to articles. I’ve been lucky enough to have my work published and even paid for it along the way. But the real reward has been being able to connect with people through words. I’ve realized overtime that sometimes simply telling a story can make a world of difference.

This blog is the space where I’ll keep exploring those connections. It’s going to be about a lot of things. Whether I’m writing about moving through grief, remembering random moments of nostalgia, giving my unfiltered takes on pop culture, or sharing thoughts on politics (I love talking shit about that too), I want this to be a place where I can be as honest, raw, and real as possible. Because I’m not here to just write for the sake of writing… I’m here to write for me, too.

I’ve always wanted to create a space where I can write freely, without waiting on someone else’s approval or pitch acceptance. I’ve realized that my creativity shouldn’t be dictated by whether or not someone decides to publish me. This blog will be my reminder that writing is something I do for myself, not for anyone else’s validation. And who knows… maybe this could evolve into something else? (stares into camera)

So, welcome to this space, and thank you for lending me your eyes and ears. I hope you find something here that resonates with you, makes you laugh, or gives you a moment of reflection.

If something here speaks to you, please feel free to reach out and share your thoughts… I love to yap!


life’s a movie and it sucks but i can’t stop watching